肺学 & 急救护理

我们的 pulmonary doctors, critical care specialists and sleep medicine team provides world-class care.



肺科专家, 重症监护和睡眠医学在特殊护理方面处于领先地位. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 我们排名第一. 肺病学(治疗呼吸系统疾病)全国排名第五.


专科专业: 在我们的皇冠hga025内,我们有许多项目和中心提供利基服务. 例如, 患有囊性纤维化(CF)的成年人通过我们的项目接受治疗, 所有的专家都有CF治疗方面的专业知识. We offer specialized services for lung diseases, sleep disorders and critical illnesses.

世界一流的移植项目: If you need a lung transplant, our program is among the best and most experienced in the country. 我们始终在研究和实施新技术方面处于领先地位. 例如, 我们是国内第一家使用“呼吸肺”移植的医院, 这项技术能让我们把捐赠器官保存得更久. 

卓越的睡眠医学: We use state-of-the-art techniques to diagnose and treat all types of sleep disorders. We provide the full scope of sleep testing services at each of our 11 outpatient locations. 我们为每个病人量身定制测试, 从而获得更准确的诊断和有针对性的治疗方案.


我们的 pulmonary doctors and critical care specialists offer a range of subspecialty services. 我们有很多小众项目,病人可以接受有针对性的治疗. 我们的护理领域包括:


We created this program in response to the increasing number of adults with CF. In the program, we focus on facilitating smooth transitions from pediatric to adult care.

CF通常需要多位专家的治疗. We bring all these team members together under one roof so patients can easily access every specialty area. 我们的 quality of care is so exceptional that this program has achieved accreditation from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


We provide comprehensive cardiac and pulmonary (lung) rehab in partnership with our team in 康复服务. Multidisciplinary treatment plans include the expertise of respiratory therapists, 运动生理学家, 注册运动专家及注册营养师.


研究的重点是了解更多关于铁紊乱的原因, 以及我们如何更好地诊断和治疗这些疾病. 最近的研究集中在肠道如何吸收铁, 缺铁的后果和铁在怀孕期间的作用.


COPD includes lung diseases that block airflow and cause difficulty breathing. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是全国COPD转诊中心, 也就是说全国的医生都信任我们的专业知识.

We use ultramodern treatment options and work closely with primary care providers to coordinate efficient care plans. 我们的COPD团队包括:

  • 位肺脏
  • 胸的外科医生
  • 呼吸治疗师
  • 研究人员


我们的皇冠hga025还包括重症监护专家的专业知识. 重症监护医学项目包括: 

重症监护中心: 这个中心的专家来自各个医学专业. 我们的 mission is to enhance research, education and treatment for critically ill patients.

医疗加护病房: This 24-bed unit includes all the resources and equipment needed to manage critical and life-threatening illnesses. The multidisciplinary team includes board-certified physicians in pulmonary and critical care medicine as well as critical care-trained nurses.

3愿望计划: Through this program, we implement last wishes for people facing end-of-life. 我们的使命是优先考虑病人的尊严, 为病人和他们的家人庆祝生命,改善这段时间.


我们的 allergy specialists offer diagnostic and treatment options for identifying and managing allergies. 我们使用了一系列的技术, 比如药物脱敏, 食品挑战和药物挑战, 找出症状的原因,并找到最有效的治疗方法.


The 肺间质性疾病中心 is a Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Care Center site. 这个名称意味着我们提供全面, leading-edge care for interstitial lung disease (disorders that cause lung tissue scarring). 来自全国各地的病人都来找我们寻求卓越的服务.  


Some patients with interstitial lung disease may also have symptoms of a connective tissue disease. Connective tissues are the parts of your body that hold your body structures together. 患有ILD和CTD会引起严重的炎症和内部疤痕.

通过CTD-ILD项目,一组肺病专家, 风湿病专家, 放射科医生 和其他合作提供综合治疗. When you come to our program, our goal is for you to have an efficient, smooth visit. 因为我们的团队模式, you can see all the specialists you need and complete any relevant diagnostic tests in one visit.


At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we have a longstanding history of expertise in lung cancer treatment. In 1977, the National Cancer Institute appointed our program as one of only seven sites to be part of the Lung Cancer Study Group, 一个国家研究小组. 从那时起, 我们继续在预防方面发挥领导作用, 早期检测, 肺癌的治疗与研究.


我们的 肺移植项目 是国内同类项目中最成功的一个吗. 自1988年以来, 我们表演了不止一场,000 successful lung transplants and we consistently rank among the top programs in the nation by volume. We are the busiest lung transplant center in the Western United States and the second busiest in the country.


我们在诊断方面是国际知名的领导者, treatment and research of pulmonary vascular diseases (conditions that affect the lungs and heart). 我们治疗各种影响肺部和心脏的疾病. 例子 include pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) and pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure between the heart and lungs). 


50多年了, we have achieved continuous accreditation from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 我们是治疗睡眠障碍的医疗转诊机构, 也就是说,其他专家认识到我们是这个领域的专家. 我们诊断和治疗睡眠障碍, as well as teach other doctors and community members about sleep-related conditions.


我们的 pulmonologists and critical care specialists treat a full range of respiratory conditions and critical illnesses. 我们治疗的常见病症包括:

哮喘: 发炎、狭窄的气道导致呼吸困难.

慢性阻塞性肺病: Obstructed (blocked) airflow that leads to shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing.

囊性纤维化: 遗传性疾病,损害肺部和消化系统.  

肺癌: 当不规则细胞在肺部不受控制地繁殖时.  

肺栓塞: 肺动脉阻塞,通常由血凝块引起.  

肺纤维化: 肺部的疤痕会导致肺组织变厚、僵硬.   

肺动脉高压: 与肺部相连的动脉出现高血压.  


We offer a range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures associated with pulmonary and critical care medicine. 这些包括:

动脉线放置: 插入一个小小的, hollow tube (catheter) into one of your arteries to continuously monitor blood pressure. 

支气管镜检查: 放置一个小的, lighted instrument with a camera through your nose or mouth to view your airways and lungs.

置胸管: Inserting a tube between the inner and outer linings of your chest (pleural space) to drain fluid, 血还是气.

气管插管术: A procedure for placing a tube into your trachea (windpipe) to open your airways and allow breathing, 通常在紧急情况下进行.

肺动脉插管: Placing a catheter into your pulmonary artery (artery that connects the heart to the lungs) to diagnose heart and lung conditions.

肺量测定法: A pulmonary function test measuring how much air you can blow out of your lungs, 以及你做起来有多容易.

胸腔穿刺和闭式胸膜活检: Inserting a needle into the pleural space and removing a small tissue sample for diagnostic testing.


我们的 team continually sets and raises the standards in pulmonology, critical care and sleep medicine. 我们在研究、教育和病人护理方面处于领先地位.


呼叫 310-825-8061 要求预约UCLA健康中心的肺病专家.


我们的 pulmonology and critical care team offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art care. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-825-8061.
