
Our pediatric hematologist oncologists provide comprehensive, research-driven care. We continually find new ways to improve survival rates and increase quality of life.



几十年来,, our pediatric hematologist oncologists at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital have provided exceptional patient care. We are pioneers in diagnosing and treating childhood cancers and blood disorders. Our experts also study and improve treatments for children with these conditions.


知名专家治疗: UCLA Health specialists are continually finding new ways to improve survival rates and decrease complications in children with cancer or blood disorders, 或者那些正在接受骨髓移植的人. 每年, we see an increasing number of young cancer survivors as a result of our ongoing research and groundbreaking treatments.

全面的团队: Our specialists offer interventions to significantly improve the quality of life for children and their families. Child Life Specialists and social workers provide extra support navigating the emotional effects of cancer or blood disorder treatments. A school re-integration specialist helps ensure that children continue to keep up with their classmates throughout and after treatment.

个性化的护理: 我们知道没有两个病人或家庭是相同的. 我们根据您孩子的需要量身定制治疗方案, ensuring that each patient undergoes the treatment that offers the best chances for an optimal outcome.

研究和培训: 我们的医生都是各自领域的顶尖医生, 不断培养下一代领导人. Participation in clinical trials allows eligible patients to access groundbreaking new treatments.  


Our pediatric hematology oncology team cares for children in several specialized programs, 包括:


UCLA Health specialists were among the first in the world to perform a successful allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Today, we are one of the longest-running bone marrow transplant programs worldwide. We continue to pioneer techniques that expand children's access to bone marrow transplants. 了解更多关于骨髓和干细胞移植的信息


我们的团队治疗患有各种非癌症性血液疾病的儿童. We specialize in diagnosing and managing immune system problems in children who have had organ transplants.

UCLA Health is a referral center for the state's newborn screening program for hemoglobinopathy, 一组遗传性血液疾病. We are also a satellite hemophilia treatment center with the Center for Inherited Blood Disorders.


Our program is part of the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 and the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康肉瘤项目它是美国三个容量最大的肉瘤中心之一. 我们为儿童骨和软组织肿瘤提供全面的护理.

我们的专家是国家组织的成员, including the Sarcoma Alliance for 研究 through Collaboration and the Children's Oncology Group. 这些会员资格扩大了参与临床试验和研究的机会. The team creates personalized, effective treatment plans with collaboration among:


  • 营养学家
  • 物理治疗师
  • 心理学家
  • 社会工作者
  • 专业护士


Our specialists provide comprehensive care for children with leukemia and lymphomas. 我们是儿童肿瘤小组的长期成员, 提供特殊的临床试验治疗途径. Our active research participation leads to better survival outcomes for children with these conditions.

The multispecialty team provides patient care as well as support and resources for the entire family. 您孩子的护理团队包括: 

  • 儿科肿瘤学家
  • 护理经理
  • 心理学家
  • 社会工作者


We treat infants, children and young adults with all types of brain or spinal cord tumors. Our specialists emphasize family-centered care that evaluates the needs of your child and your family unit together. 我们的儿科脑肿瘤团队创造了有效的, personalized treatment plans to offer your child the best chances of an optimal outcome.


  • 儿科肿瘤学家
  • 儿科神经外科医生
  • 小儿神经学家 
  • 神经病理学家
  • 神经放射
  • 放射肿瘤学家
  • 干细胞移植外科医生

我们照顾您的孩子从诊断到康复, 提供专业人士的额外支援,例如:

  • 听力学家
  • 职业治疗师
  • 物理治疗师
  • 心理学家
  • 学校康复专家
  • 社会工作者
  • 专业护士


Our pediatric hematologist oncologists treat the full range of blood disorders and childhood cancers. 我们提供的癌症治疗包括:  

脑和脊髓肿瘤: 起源于大脑或脊髓的不规则细胞团  

生殖细胞肿瘤: 肿瘤起源于构成生殖系统的细胞

肝母细胞癌: 一种非常罕见的肿瘤,起源于肝细胞

霍奇金淋巴瘤和非霍奇金淋巴瘤: 癌症始于对抗感染的白细胞

白血病: Cancer that starts in the body's blood cells and blood-forming tissues, such as bone marrow

神经母细胞瘤: 癌症起源于早期的神经细胞,称为神经母细胞, 通常影响婴儿或5岁以下儿童

肿瘤: 一种主要影响儿童的肾癌


尤因肉瘤: 在骨骼内部或周围开始的生长,通常在腿、手臂或骨盆

骨肉瘤: Cancer that starts in the cells that form bones, often occurring at the ends of bones

横纹肌肉瘤: 一种罕见的肿瘤,起源于软组织,通常是肌肉


贫血: 身体没有足够的健康红细胞的一种状态

再生障碍性贫血: 骨髓停止产生足够的新红细胞

溶血性贫血: 身体破坏红细胞的速度比制造红细胞的速度快

缺铁性贫血: The body doesn't have enough iron to create an adequate amount of red blood cells

巨幼细胞性(恶性)贫血: 骨髓会产生异常大的红细胞

镰状细胞性贫血: An inherited group of disorders in which red blood cells are sickle shaped instead of round, 导致它们聚集在一起,阻碍血液流动

血友病: 一种血液不能正常凝结的疾病

特发性血小板减少性紫癜: 一种血液中血小板数量不规则减少的疾病, 哪些有助于血液凝固和伤口愈合

地中海贫血: 一种遗传性疾病,身体没有足够的血红蛋白, 红细胞:帮助红细胞循环氧气的物质


We offer the full spectrum of treatments with a compassionate, patient-centered approach. 癌症治疗包括:

化疗: 这种治疗包括使用药物来破坏快速生长的细胞, 包括癌细胞. Children may receive chemotherapy through a long hollow tube called a central line. This central line is placed underneath the skin with a small portion remaining outside the body to deliver medication.

放射治疗: This treatment uses high doses of radiation to shrink or destroy cancer cells and tumors.

手术: 经常, oncologists will recommend surgery to remove as much of a tumor as possible while keeping healthy tissue intact.   

靶向治疗: These medicines target specific types of cancer cells to destroy them or stop their growth.

免疫疗法: This treatment stimulates the body's immune system to increase its ability to fight cancer.


输血: Health care providers use an intravenous (IV) line to deliver blood or blood components to children.

骨髓移植: 这种疗法用健康细胞替代受损或患病的骨髓.


Our specialists have paved the way in treating children's blood disorders and cancers. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医生不断研究新的技术和工具, 给孩子们带去最新的治疗方法.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿童血液学 & 米勒儿童医院的肿瘤科医生


呼叫 310-825-0867 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿童血液肿瘤学服务的信息.


呼叫 310-825-0867 to request an appointment with a pediatric hematologist oncologist at UCLA Health.