
你会发现世界领先的肾脏健康评估, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校肾脏健康项目的治疗和研究.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s kidney health team uses their extensive experience and advanced techniques to care for your chronic (long-term) kidney health issues. 我们使用熟练的专业知识和最新的技术来保存, 甚至提高, 你的肾脏功能. Our team guides you through your kidney care with specialized treatment programs at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Multispecialty护理: We collaborate with all kidney programs at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to improve our treatments and enhance 你的肾脏功能. 领先的肾病专家(肾脏专家), vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists work together to provide you with world-class care.

授权处理: We give you the support and treatment you need to be in charge of your own kidney health. Many patients express feelings of helplessness after receiving a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD). 我们的团队挑战并克服了这种看法. We introduce you to treatments and lifestyle changes that to optimize 你的肾脏功能.

先进的解决方案: 我们的团队站在肾脏研究的最前沿. We use groundbreaking techniques to care for many kidney health issues. You can trust us to provide quality kidney care based on scientific evidence and medical best practices.

协调护理: A dedicated coordinator and interventional radiology scheduler guide you through kidney care from the start. 我们帮你导航, 计划和了解你的护理的每一个方面, 包括管理透析或其他血液过滤方法.


Our team has developed hospital-wide resources that improve your overall kidney care. These resources provide your doctors with the medical support and information they need to deliver informed, 安全协调的治疗.


其他疾病的症状与慢性肾病相似, 这意味着慢性肾病经常被诊断出来,直到为时已晚. Our specialists developed the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校肾脏保护途径 to ensure that every patient receives superior care, 每一次.

The pathway provides step-by-step guidelines for your care team to follow when diagnosing and treating chronic kidney disease. The guidelines tell your doctor when to check 你的肾脏功能, 要进行哪些测试,测试结果意味着什么. This information helps your care team identify kidney problems early on, 什么时候治疗可能最有效.

The pathway also outlines treatment plans for risk factors and complications of CKD, 当有人需要看肾脏专家的时候.

We created these detailed guidelines based on national and international kidney health standards, 科学证据和最佳做法. 使用此资源, your doctor provides you with excellent and attentive care every step along the way.


We created 最佳实践警报(BPA) so that we can notify your doctors and treatment teams as soon as you receive a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. The BPA ensures that your care teams throughout 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 don’t prescribe treatment or medications that may interfere with or worsen 你的肾脏功能.


我们帮助协调整个肾脏健康的护理, 专注于长期肾脏疾病. With the support of our 肾脏的健康 Program, specialists at UCLA treat kidney issues 包括:

  • 慢性(长期)肾病
  • 肾脏滤过器或肾小球受损(肾小球肾炎)
  • Electrolyte disorders, such as too much or too little calcium, chloride or potassium
  • 肾衰竭(肾衰竭)
  • 肾脏感染
  • 肾结石


We work together with all kidney programs at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to enhance 你的肾脏功能. Our experienced team and coordinated services set you up for successful treatment and recovery.


We offer a full range of inpatient and outpatient dialysis services in our Dialysis Program, including peritoneal dialysis and in-center and at-home hemodialysis. Our surgeons expertly insert connections called fistulas and grafts. These connections create a pathway for dialysis to filter your blood. 如果连接处变窄或结块, our experienced interventional radiologists restore its function.


Our experienced surgeons perform minimally invasive urology surgery to treat kidney stones and 肾癌. 为 kidney stone care, your doctor may recommend surgery to break the stones into smaller pieces. 为 肾癌, your surgeon may do a partial nephrectomy, a procedure that removes part of your kidney. We use the least invasive approach possible and specialize in robotic techniques that give our surgeons more control and precision.


我们的团队与 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校肾脏移植项目是全国领先的肾脏移植中心之一. The program offers world-class kidney care for even the most complex kidney diseases and end-stage renal disease. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 has a long history of outstanding survival rates for kidney transplant patients.


If you need care from other specialties, we seamlessly connect you with the right providers. We also offer nutritional and lifestyle management services to improve your overall health and prevent kidney problems, 包括:

  • 专科肾(肾)营养师
  • 社会工作者


如果你在透析时遇到问题, you can receive fast care at our 圣莫尼卡门诊中心 (SMOC). Our team at SMOC responds to your urgent needs so that you don’t have to go through the emergency department to receive critical procedures. We treat a variety of issues with dialysis catheters and dialysis access. 


我们的专家团队 共同为您提供全面的肾脏护理, from nephrologists and surgeons to internal medicine and transplant specialists. Our multispecialty 肾脏的健康 Program gives you seamless access to the specialized kidney care you need.


呼叫 310-206-8277 to request an appointment with a kidney health specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our skilled specialists help you preserve and improve your kidney health. To learn more about our services for kidney diseases and related conditions, call 310-206-8277.